Building healthy cultures and helping individuals are my strengths and passion.

People Leader, Consultant, Coach


For more than eighteen years, I have worked with people, both privately as a coach and in large companies as an HR leader.

My passion has always been about seeing the human in people: their unique personality, their personal story, and their «self».

In any professional situation, I try to understand different perspectives and find ways to meet everyone's needs: how to make decisions that are best for the company, how to treat people fairly, and how to show care for others.
Everyone has their own sparkle, and my role as an HR professional and coach is to help others bring that sparkle out!
About me
My LinkedIn profile
you with
I can help
If you are feeling lost, lonely and desperate in your career, it is time to take a step back and focus on yourself. With patience and care, we can explore ways to overcome difficult experiences and create a path to successful recovery. Remember, asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of wisdom and focus on what really matters.
Leadership challenges
Being a leader is not an easy task, but it is a challenging one that requires making difficult choices in order to improve things. However, when we are buried under daily challenges, it is easy to forget about the "why" behind our leadership roles. By exploring the answer to this question, we can find the best ways to handle conflicts, disappointments, pressures, and leadership dilemmas that you face.
How to become a better HR
Professional skills can help you become a good HR professional, but it's your personality that will take you to the next level. We'll work on both aspects: how to strengthen your professional skills and how to develop your personal qualities. From emotional intelligence and system thinking to other important skills, our discussions will help you enjoy your work and build a successful career.
Career choices
You don't need to sacrifice your life in order to be successful in your career. Career growth doesn't always mean pain and suffering, and sometimes we all need to take a step back in order to make big steps forward. Together, we can create a plan for achieving maximum success in your career and I will be there to guide you along the way.
What I do
Coaching helps us to find answers within ourselves. It's true that we usually know what's best for us, but we tend to ignore or forget this inner voice. A caring and attentive coach can help us reach the next level of self-awareness and leadership. We won't get easy answers, but we will gain our inner wisdom and peace, which will remain the best tools we can ever have.
Every problem has a solution, and every difficult choice requires strength and perseverance. Together, we will address your leadership challenges by drawing on my experience, your expertise, and a scientific approach to problem-solving. Using inductive reasoning, we will explore specific issues, dig deeper into tools and leadership frameworks, and discuss options for action on real-world cases. Remember that every challenge has a resolution, and most likely, other people have already found a solution in  the past!
Leadership consulting
Knowledge is not meant to be kept silent, so I am pleased to share my experiences with others. My main interests lie in the areas of corporate human resources, leadership development, organizational change management, and creating healthy work cultures. At a deeper level, I am fascinated by bringing awareness to topics such as burnout, wellness programs, and initiatives, as well as discussing our values and how they impact our career choices. I write articles and conduct my own research to find more insights on how to make the business world better!
Public Speaking and Training
Let’s work
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